Happy Ramadhan / Happy Fasting

Hello All,

Today i take this moment to wish to all Muslim around the world, especially to my brother and all Muslim family and friend "HAPPY RAMADHAN or HAPPY FASTING".

So just to share a very good suggestion to all Muslim who celebrate "Ramadhan or Fasting", here is the food suggestion to avoid gastric. Thanks to -FUH- who suggest this food suggestion in Facebook.

~ Tips on Preventing Gastric ‬ ‪ # In the month of Ramadhan ~
~ Petua Mengelakkan ‪#‎Gastrik‬ Di Bulan Ramadhan ~ 
3 of a dates, a glass of fresh milk / what kind of milk (warm / hot longer good)
3 biji kurma, Segelas susu segar/apa jenis susu (suam/panas lagi elok)

~ Soak the dates in milk 10 minutes before the time of iftar.
~ Rendamkan kurma dengan susu 10 minit sebelum masuk waktu berbuka.
~ After the Adhan, read a prayer before eating, "Surah al-ikhlas" and blessings be upon the Prophet 3 times.
~ Setelah Azan, baca doa makan dulu, surah al-ikhlas dan selawat ke atas nabi 3 kali.
~ Then eat the dates and water followed by milk.
~ Lepas tu makan kurma tersebut dan disusuli dengan air susu tersebut.

'Wait a moment or Adhan first and then read prayers and eat iftar meal breaking the fast.
'Tunggu seketika atau solat maghrib dahulu dan barulah dibaca doa berbuka puasa dan makan juadah berbuka puasa'.

Hopefully this partnership beneficial to you all. Good luck and safe fasting. =)
Semoga perkongsian ini memberi manfaat kepada anda semua. Selamat mencuba dan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa. =)

ps / You are encouraged to take SNE ‬ ‪ # Gastric Capsules for Preventing this from happening.
ps/ Anda juga digalakan mengambil ‪#‎SNE‬ Kapsul untuk Mengelakkan #Gastrik ini terjadi.

By -FUH-

Again Happy Fasting day.

Notes : Please correct me if made mistake on my post above.

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