Tugu Nunuk Ragang

Today I am going to write about “Nunuk Ragang”. “Nunuk” is a Dusun word for Banyan tree and “Ragang” is comes from “Aragang” means “Red” which basically if you call it in English its going to be “Red Banyan Tree”.

To believe that this is a place of original settlement of the Kadazandusun community who later inhabit most of central Borneo. During conversation with my father this is what he been told from their ancestor. He told me that long time ago the place where you can see the monument now, there is a huge Banyan Tree located between the intersection of the left (Liwagu Kegibangngan or left river) and right (Liwagu Kawananan or Right river). It was under this giant banyan tree that the village of Nunuk Ragang was founded and flourished. Liwagu Kegibangan and Liwagu Kewananan flowing eastward Ranau and Tambunan play an important role as the main route of mass migration to all corners of the Dusun community places in the State.

Here is the entrance view. When we about to enter inside i suddenly feel little bit scared and i can see my goose bumps (I am not sure whether its normal or not, but i am sure every single of us feel the same way that day) we get some kind of creepy feeling more when we think about  real Banyan Tree where story told that Banyan Tree is home for underworld creature or mystical creature. Anyway after few moment we finally get our-self together an enter that place:).

Here we are, my best friend and I, moment ago we were so afraid but after a while and see the uniqueness of the monument we forgot everything.

View inside of this Nunuk Ragang monument, there is nothing much you see accept for few picture around and the history of the place. However since this visit were happens few years ago, i am guessing there must be some changes now.

At second floor, from outside view you can see the "Liwagu". 

Our visit last for 30 -45 minutes, other than the monument, nothing else to do actually so our trip shorter than expected.

How to go there:-

Note : 

  1. About approximately 1 hours from Ranau Town.
  2. Last Village you going to pass before Nunuk Ragang is "Paginatan".
  3. From paginatan approximately 45 minutes you will pass by the bridge before reaching Nunuk Ragang Village.
  4. And when you pass the bridge, You will see the monument somewhere in the distance to the right, which mean first junction to the right is the junction to this "Tugu Nunuk Ragang".

You can go there by driving by yourself. This is the easier way. However for those who wish to travelling using local transportation you can do so.

Using Long Distance bus.
  1. Those who still not sure where long distance bus station located please visit this site Here
  2. You can get any long distance bus which go to Sandakan, i suggest you take "Tungma Express at counter 7". (Remember to inform them your destination). 
  3. Always double confirm with the conductor bus about your destination (Sometime they miss the drop off point), when you reach at Nunuk Ragang Junction, you can just walk 5-7 minutes to the Monument. 
  4. When you finish on visiting this place you can take long distance bus back to Kota Kinabalu or toward sandakan, lahad datu or semporna at approximately 4:30 - 5PM at the junction. (Remember to double check the time at the counter when you buy the ticket and you can also get advice on whether you can buy ticket to come back to your destination)
Using Mini Van
  1. You can get Mini Van from Bandaran Berjaya Kota Kinabalu which goes to small town call "Ranau". They don't have specific departure time, normally the will depart to destination once their transportation full. (Remind the van driver to drop you at bus station where you can catch the bus to Nunuk Ragang village)
  2. When you reach at Ranau Station, you can get the bus to Nunuk Ragang village. When you reach at Nunuk Ragang Junction, you can just walk 5-7 minutes to the Monument.
  3. When you finish on visiting this place you can take long distance bus back to Kota Kinabalu or toward sandakan, lahad datu or semporna at approximately 4:30 - 5PM at the junction. (Remember get advice from bus driver on when, what time you should be ready at the juction to catch the bus back to your destination)


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