MH370 - Boeing 777-200.

On early Saturday, Malaysian wake up with shocking news of missing plane MH370 carrying 239 passenger with 14 different nationality on board. Malaysian airline MH370 was schedule to land in Beijing Airport at 6:30am morning but it never did. It was learn that A Boeing 777-200 goes ‘invisible’ from radar at 2:30am and leaves no trail and report says that the plane made last contact with the control tower in Kuala Lumpur at 1:30am.

Since the missing MH370, many rumor and speculation around welcoming question mark. Some speculate that the plane has crash into the sea near Vietnam border, possibility of being hijacked, perhaps connection with UFO and many other come up with their own conclusion in mind. However nobody know for sure what happen, there is still no solid prove or announcement made by Malaysian Government regarding finding result.

A multinational team is searching for wreckage missing Beijing-bound Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 have turned up nothing. Families of those on the plane face an anxious wait for news.

Same goes for today, all eyes on this news regarding missing MH370 - Boeing 777-200, people around the world offer their sympathy and prayer for the passenger and cabin crew safe return.

We don't know what will happen, what we can do is just wait for the official statement and hope for good news. Today i urge every single one of you, forget our differences -  let us all pray.. 


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