Happy Valentine Day

Valentine day has been celebrated over centuries; those who like to read should know where the Valentine Day is originated from. There is many version of it and those who been reading what been going on in my country “Malaysia” will know what the hottest issue is about Valentine Day. I am not going to touch that matter since voicing out might endanger me.

As far as I know, I and most probably those born in this generation know only one meaning of “Valentine Day”; to express your love to someone i.e. your friend, family and your special one. Isn’t it funny when all along you celebrating Valentine and then suddenly today you know that “Valentine Day” has been banned. Then if like that, why not question Marriage also. Why bother trace where “Valentine Day” originated from but not where “Marriage” originated from? Trace both the bring up that word “Banned”; by then every single person will think twice to bring up word “Banned”. So despite where this both “Valentine Day”; “Marriage” originated from I will always remember this as meaningful celebration.

That is why I am still think It doesn’t matter how you expressed your feeling, human is unique; know how to judge, what should do and no. Since in this generation we know “Valentine Day” is to express your feeling to someone then let just hold that. We ourselves make our decision. If today on “Valentine Day” we made a mistake which bring shame to ourselves, why should we pointing finger to “Valentine Day”, aren’t we ourselves chosen that? Did “Valentine Day” make that choice for you?

Hence today, for the 30th years I am going to wish “Happy Valentine Day” to my beloved Husband, both of my Parents, Sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, in-laws and family from different religion. “I Love them all”.


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